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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

T.A. Prudnikova Professional education of lawyers: new approaches

Abstract: Starting from this issue of the journal, we begin publication of the materials on the newly developed Master’s Program of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University on «Material Law and Judicial Protection in Civil Cases». The program is presented with series of publications on special courses (disciplines) of the program, authors of this program develop the working programs for such disciplines. Special disciplines within the program relate either to material law or to the procedural block, which serve as a «specialization core» — a professional cycle of the program defining its contents and profile. The relation among the disciplines reflects the dominating basic vector of the program towards cognition and understanding by the students of the mutual influence and interdependence of material and procedural law in the sphere of civil judicial procedure through the object of study — civil cases. The specialization of the program reflects upon the inextricable connections between the civil (arbitration) procedural law and the branches of material law, such as civil, family, labor law, which are considerably connected to civil judicial procedure, and a large number of civil cases in these spheres are dealt with by the courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts based on the procedural and material legal norms.


jurisprudence, Magister Program, specialized educational disciplines, civil cases, civil judicial procedure, civil (arbitration) procedural law, civil law, family law, labor law, the EU law.

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