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National Security

Borodin, E.A. Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the return of Russia to the Central Asia

Abstract: This article is devoted to the goals and aims of return of Russia to the Central Asian region and the role of Russian – Kyrgyz cooperation in it. The Central Asia currently plays an important role in international relations, being the crossing point for the interests of largest global actors – Russia, the USA, China, the EU, and the field for the mutual penetration and clash of interests of largest global civilizations: Christian, Confucian and Islamic. The modern Central Asia became a key region in the global map, and control over the region allows to control global transit of hydrocarbons and other strategic raw materials for the largest developing economics, and to influence their economic growth, combined power and directions of their expansion. Russia currently is returning to the Central Asia as a key foreign political player, and it should find support in regional allies and partners, including Kyrgyzstan. There is no doubt that currently Russia needs a foreign policy, which should be adjusted to the current situation, and aimed on the support of national interests in the region, stability of the borders and restraint of the foreign political, economic and military expansion of non-regional players, such as the USA, the NATO, and the EU.


political science, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, foreign policy, international relations, national security, national interests, integration, strategic partnership.

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