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Actual problems of Russian law

Schedrin, N.V., Nikitina N.A. On the legal nature and perspectives of institution of release with the application of compulsory measures of educational nature

Abstract: The article provides for a complex character of the institution of release with application of compulsory measures of educational nature, which in the opinion of the author combines four types of measures of criminal influence: punishment, encouragement, security and restoration. The authors make propositions on the improvement of the existing criminal legislation via abolishment of the of release with application of compulsory measures of educational nature, and, specifically, to exclude the «warning» from the list of limitations and special requirements, and include in this list the following measures: «to take the social psychological training course», «mediation procedure», prohibition of «contacts with certain persons», «visiting certain places», make the list closed.


jurisprudence, release, punishment, security, restoration, encouragement, mediation, training, limitations, complex.

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