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Actual problems of Russian law

Narutto, S.V. Bases of constitutional order of the Russian Federation an its constituent subjects in the decisions of the constitutional court of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article discusses the bases of constitutional order of the Russian Federation through the prism of legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Based on the examples of judicial practice the author illustrates substantial aspects of the political, social, economic and spiritual bases of the constitutional order, such as democratic state, recognition of human rights and freedoms as a supreme value, republican form of government, separation of powers, ideological and political variety, multipartisan system, federal state, independence of municipal self-government, rule-of-law state. The social economic bases of constitutional order, which are best studied in constitutional justice, include freedom of establishment, unity of economic territory, support of competition, recognition for variety and equal protection of various forms of property, social state. The spiritual values are usually discussed by the Constitutional Court through the analysis of the secular state. The Constitutional Court has expressed its legal opinions on almost all of the pillars of the constitutional order, and these opinions enrich the laconic provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and serve as landmarks for the legislators and law-enforcement bodies, as well as other participants of public relations, including private entities.


constitutional, federalism, democracy, ideology, right, law, social, secular, politics, economics, parties.

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