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Taxes and Taxation

Molchanova, I. V. Accountancy and Taxation of Gratuitous Receipt of Tangible Assets

Abstract: Pursuant to Clause 2 of Article 218 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the right of ownership to property can be purchase by a third party by signing the purchase/sale agreement, contract of exchange, gift agreements and other deeds of assignment of assets. Clause 2 of Article 423 of the same Code provides a definition of so called ‘gratuitous contract’ or ‘contract of benevolence’. A contract of benevolence is concluded between the two parties, one of which undertakes to provide assets to the other party without charging any pay. So should we consider that the terms ‘gift’ and ‘gratuitous delivery’ to be synonymous from the point of view of civil law?


Taxes and taxation, un-payable, tangible, assets, gift, delivery, active assets, market, value.

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