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History magazine - researches
Glinnikova S. V. (2013). Professor N. I. Krylov, in recollections of contemporaries. History magazine - researches, 3, 312–316.
Glinnikova S. V. Professor N. I. Krylov, in recollections of contemporariesAbstract: The article is dedicated to Nikita Ivanovich Krylov, Professor of the Roman Law department of Moscow University (1807–1879). Krylov worked for almost 40 years, with no less than 40 graduations of Russian legists, who have him to thank for their knowledge in Roman law. Krylov didn’t leave a printed version of his lectures, yet his students left notes, and consolidated them to reconstitute his lecturing course, and some of those consolidations survived to our time. The author of this article aimed at reconstructing the image of N.I Krylov, as he was depicted by the writers of memoires, to accent his most prominent features: artistic manner, skill of capturing the attention of the audience, colourful and distinct manner of speech. Krylov was considered one of the best professors, and many of his students left memoires of him – among those students are such prominent public individuals as S.A. Muromtsev and A.F. Koni. Keywords: history, history of the Law faculty of Moscow University, N.I. Krilov, S.A. Muromtsev, A.F. Koni, Roman Law, lithographic publications, memoires, lectures, eloquence
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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