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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Oleshkevich, V. I. Holistic, System and Psychotechnical Comprehension of Psychology (the Project of New Integrative Psychology and Structure of Teaching Psychology)

Abstract: The author of the article aims at holistic comprehension of modern psychology from the point of view of history of psychology and history of culture. The author also provides grounds for such methodological approach to psychology and shows possibilities of analyzing psychological data from the point of view of the unity of culture and cultural development. The author offers different levels of cultural-historical (cultural research, social science), methodological and psychotechnical analysis of historical and modern schools of psychology. Based on the system analysis of different schools of psychology, the author shows how it is possible to configure different approaches and build new connections between psychological science and practice. The author also proves the importance of such a methodological approach for building new efficient systems of teaching psychology.


psychology, psychotechnics, holistic, psychotechnical analysis, primary psychotechnics, secondary psychotechnics, psychotechnical system, cultural studies, social science, methodology.

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