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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Gavrilov, V.V. Formation and international legal capacity of the «ASEAN Plus Three» forum

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the activities of the «ASEAN Plus Three» forum as a specific form of cooperation of the Eastern Asian states. It includes a brief historical overview of the formation of the ASEAN Plus Three and key stages of cooperation of its Member States. Taking examples of institutional and norm-making mechanisms, which function within the framework of the ASEAN Plus Three, the author shows the key differences between this union and international inter-governmental organizations, possessing international legal personality. Analysis of these specific features shows that their member states are currently not ready to form a developed network of international treaties on the main spheres of their cooperation. The Forum functions via organization of activities of various meetings and working groups, which form legally non-binding declarations and show the low level of legalization of the relations among their Member States. The ASEAN Plus Three Forum as an international union has some specific features compared with the «classic» international organizations. Among such features one can point out the absence of international legal capacity, multi-level coordinational character of activities of its institutional divisions, which do not provide for the possibility of making decisions, which would be legally binding for the Member States; presence of consensusbased mechanism, which is aimed for the development and acceptance of political documents.


jurisprudence, international, inter-governmental organizations, international legal capacity, regional cooperation ASEAN, institutional mechanism, norm-making mechanism, forum.

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