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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Khabibulina, O.V. Legal regime of state service

Abstract: The article is devoted to the institution of state service in the Russian Federation from the standpoint of legal regime The legal regime of the state service is an ideal model of functioning and development of the social relations in the sphere of state service, which is established by norms, and guaranteed by a combination of legal, organizational, material and technical means, providing for the possible and necessary behavior of the subjects and directing regulation thereof. Specific features of the legal regime of state service include dualistic material — procedural, complex, regulatory — protective character. The legal regime of state service can be characterized and distinguished by the following qualities: strictness of requirements to the state servants; detailed regulation of their behavior, specific obligations, limitations, prohibitions for the state servants; special control over the activities of the state servants (even after they have resigned from their positions); provision for the specific bases and order of application of state coercion in case of violations of the established rules. The above-mentioned legal means show administrative legal (public) nature of legal regime of the state service. The structure of the legal regime of the state service includes the following elements: goals and aims of the regime; object bearer or the regime; regime legal means; regime rules, system of guarantees. Legal principles are not included into the structure of legal regime, rather they are placed above this regime, and at the same time they for the basis for the legal regime.


jurisprudence, state service, legal regime, politics, state servant, obligations, limitations, prohibitions, control, responsibility, system of guarantees.

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