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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Korobeev, A.I. Dagel

Abstract: This article is devoted to the memory of the Doctor of Law, Merited Scientist of the RSFSR Plekhan Sergeevich Dagel. It discusses the milestones of his scientific and pedagogical path, his most important scientific work and their place in Soviet and modern Russian criminal law, forensic studies, criminology, criminal penal an procedural law, as well as in the related spheres of philosophy, social studies, ethics, genetics, law and medicine. The author gives recognition to his work and considerable input into the studies of topical issues of Soviet criminal law and criminology, such as guilt, personality of a criminal, complex studies of victimology, negligent crimes, criminal policy, ethnical, moral, philosophical, psychological, social and political problems of legal theory and practice. His fundamental works, such as «Model of Lawyer», «Problems of guilt in Soviet criminal law», «Teachings on criminal personality in the Soviet criminal law», «Negligence. Problems of criminal law and criminology», «Problems of Soviet criminal policy». The author discuses both scientific research and educational work of P.S. Dagel. In particular, P.S. Dagel developed a course of lectures on criminal law and the Soviet criminal policy.


jurisprudence, criminal law, criminal policy, negligent crime, guilt, personality of a criminal, model of a lawyer, Soviet law, criminal responsibility, criminology, jurisprudence.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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