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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Kazachkova, Z.M., Klyukovskaya, I.N. Legal education in the USA: model improvement

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the key stages of development of the legal education in the USA. The model of legal education in the USA Is of interest due to its flexibility, openness, ability to renew itself. The authors show the key points of its formation and development, as well as the influence of the institutional factors on its improvement; the inner mechanisms, forming the balance between the theoretical and practical parts of the educational process; role of legal clinics In the process of formation of practical skills and humanistic bases of the legal profession; role of the founder of the Harvard model of legal education C. Langdell In this process; specific features of the model of legal education and formation of the professional corpus of lawyers In the USA; role of the American Bar Association in formation an support of professional legal standards.


jurisprudence, precedent, judicial doctrine, curriculum, educational, standard, legal clinic, legal practice, inter-disciplinary studies, Master’s program, Bologna Process.

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