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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Molchanov, N.A. Modernization of the modern education system taking into account the Strategy for the State National Policy of the Russian Federation as the basis for the national security of the state

Abstract: Modernization of the system of Russian education requires the formation of organization and management mechanisms for the implementation of the national education policy, and the improvement of the legislative basis, taking into account the strategic goals of national security guarantees In Russia, as well as priorities of the state national policy. The article provides for the existence of triune connection between national security, education and international relations, which are closely connected by complementing and causing each other. Based upon the goals and aims of the research in question, the author analyzes the key provisions of the Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation», the Concept of National Education Policy of the Russian Federation till 2025. He formulates a conclusion that the education in the Russian Federation gains a special value as a strategic resource for the sustainable development of the poly-cultural society, and as an important factor for the guarantees of national security in a multinational state.


education, education policy, national policy, legislation, relations among the nations, patriotic education, legal education, human rights, religion.

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