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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Narutto, S.V. Dismissal of the chief official of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation from his position by the President of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the federal and regional legislation, as well as the judicial practice on constitutional responsibility of a head of a constituent subject of the Russian Federation. The author evaluates the grounds, initiation and other aspects of the procedure of the dismissal of the chief official of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation from his position. The author notes gaps in the legislation, ambiguity in the formulae of the offences, and she makes a conclusion that the «loss of trust of the President of the Russian Federation» is quite doubtful as a legal basis for the dismissal of the head of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation from his position, taking into account the constitutional provisions for the independence for the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, which do not provide for the hierarchical subordination of the head of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation to the federal government.


jurisprudence, head of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation, trust, lack of trust, responsibility, dismissal, President of the Russian Federation, undue, court, constitutional.

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