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Culture and Art

V.O. Petrov Polytext interaction in instrumental compositions with the word

Abstract: the article explores one of the possibilities of textual presence in a genre new for the second half of XXth century – the instrumental composition with the word. Distinguishing types of polytext interaction in instrumental music, the author offers the following principles: 1) alternating conduct (the texts go one after another within the composition, in its different parts), 2) arching (a single text, or text by a single writer is repeated several times, performing a function of reminiscence), 3) free compilation (the texts by several authors, or text chaotically arranged across the composition as part of a literature reference). As an example, avant-garde compositions of F. Karaev, B. Fernihou, F. Rzhevski.


history of art, intertextuality, music, text, word, typology, methodology, F. Karaev, B. Fernihou, F. Rzhevski.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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