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International Law and International Organizations

Sosnovsky, V.V. International legal and national aspects of protection of lands (Review on the book by O.V. Vorontsova “Legal responsibility for spoiling land / R.ed. by O.L. Dubovik, Syktyvkar, KRASGiU, 2012, 175 p.).

Abstract: Protection of lands (soils) is one of the most topical problems, which both the international community and the states have to face. Together with climate change, lowered biological variety, atmosphere and water pollution, overproduction of waste, anthropogenic catastrophes, etc., it becomes a more and more important issue within the general mass of negative influences on the environment, lowering the quality of life of people. That is why specialists, lawyers, environmental specialists, economists of various states strive to find efficient means for the prevention of further worsening of quality of lands (soils) and to regenerate their quality. One of the means of such protection is legal responsibility. May states develop and implement means of civil law responsibility, including fines and administrative legal sanctions. Criminal legal prohibitions serve as the most severe reaction to the violations of the legislation on protection of lands.


international law, protection, lands, soils, harm, responsibility, casuistry, soils, the European Union, the UN, France

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1. 1. Retsenziya na knigu: O.V. Vorontsova. Yuridicheskaya otvetstvennost' za porchu zemli / Otv. red. O.L. Dubovik. Syktyvkar: KRASGiU, 2012. – 175 s.