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International Law and International Organizations

Kalamkaryan, R.A. The International Court of Justice as a main judicial body of the United Nations Organization.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the value of the International Court of Justice as a key judicial body of the UN. The author studies its characteristics, which make the ICJ the most valuable element I the sphere of protection of international legal order and compliance with the international law. The author compares it with the arbitration bodies, he studies the nature of international legal disputes of political character, their legalization by court examination. The author studies various qualities of the ICJ as an international judicial body, and compares it with the national judicial bodies, he evaluates various aspects of judicial procedure., as well as definitions of legality and universal legal order, including its elements and characteristic features.


international law, the ICJ, legality, legal order, good faith principle, arbitration, justice, international obligation, the dispute among the states, court jurisdiction.

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