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International Law and International Organizations

Babin, B.V. Right to peace: search for the implementation mechanism.

Abstract: The article includes analysis of such categories as peace, right to peace and right of peace within the framework of international legal relations. The author studies the reß ection of these categories in international legal acts, drafts of international legal acts and doctrine, and he also provides his own position on the subjects of the right to peace and mechanisms for the implementation of this right. The author analyzes the Western and the post-Soviet international legal doctrines on the issues of peace, acts of the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council of the UN and UNESCO on right to peace. It is noted that the right to peace is a global natural right of peoples, which should be regarded together with the rights to self-determination and to oppose oppression. It is offered not to equal the right of peoples to peace with the right of individuals and social groups to take part in implementation of this right. The author offers to depart from the concept of the exclusive competence of certain states to protect the right to peace for their peoples. At the same time, the author disagrees that the states have a right to facilitate the right to peace of the peoples, which do not possess connection with these states. The article proves that monopolization of the system of guarantees of protection of the right to peace by the states in the international relations should be revised. The author provides a hypothesis that the right to peace cannot be regarded as a higher value than a right of peoples for development, self-determination or opposition to oppression. At the same time correlation of these rights does not mean that they can be substituted with each other. Implementation of one of the rights of peoples should not lead to the considerable limitation to its other global rights.


responsibilities of the peoples, human rights, international norm-making, UNESCO, UN, implementation of right, status of the peoples, rights of the peoples, global rights, responsibility of the peoples.

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