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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Yuzikova, N.S. Key direction of protection of rights of the juveniles in implementation of justice and application of measures of criminal legal influence in Ukraine

Abstract: The article is devoted to the legal status of a juvenile person within the process of Implementation of justice and application of the measures of criminal legal Influence. Based on the studies of judicial practice, the author discusses the gaps in the guarantees of the rights of juveniles in the process of assigning a punishment, which in turn violates the principle of fairness, equality and individual character of criminal responsibility. The author discusses a number of problems, which appear in the practice of assigning punishment, when the conditions excluding their application for some age groups are present. The author provides grounds for the need to amend the legislation of Ukraine on criminal responsibility regarding property-related t punishments, taking into account the normative and judicial practice of the Russian Federation. The author discusses procedural bases for the protection of the rights of juvenile persons in the new Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, characterizes them based upon certain stages of criminal process and offers optimum forms of introduction of foreign experience regarding training of personnel working with juvenile delinquents into the Ukrainian legal practice. The further reform of the judicial system regarding the underage persons in Ukraine and application of adequate criminal legal and educational measures to them shall allow to optimize the conditions for the formation of the socially acceptable behavior of the juvenile persons in the society.


jurisprudence, juvenile, individualization of criminal responsibility, procedural protection, justice towards the juveniles, punishment, humanization of the measures of criminal law influence, justice, juvenology.

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