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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Vedeneev, Y.A. Object and structure of legal theory

Abstract: The article is devoted to one of the most fundamental issues in the legal science, which is related to the doctrinal and institutional practices of its formation and development, and is in some respects a response to an article by Professor V.V. Lazarev «Legal science: current state, challenges and perspectives (theoretical thoughts)» (Lex Russica, 2013, 2). The necessity of the studies of this problem is due to the need to widen the possible scope of the grounds for the epistemological turns in the development of the legal science as a whole, and theory of state and law in particular. Introduction of the categories «legal text» and «legal language» renews and changes the epistemological system within the evolution of the legal theory itself. These general categories include the possible reflections of the legal source in general — its ontology and axiology.


jurisprudence, legal theory, legal ontology, epistemological turn, legal concept, legal text, legal language, legal communication, self-reflection, conceptual nucleus, linguistic turn, meta-theory.

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