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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Kalinina, T.M. The compulsory measures of medical character: definition, types and goals

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of basis, goals and types of the compulsory measures of medical character. It analyzes their contents, periods and other related issues. The author formulates their definition as measures, which are applied to the people, who have committed the socially dangerous acts acting under the conditions of psychological disorder or suffering from a psychological disorder, and which include medication treatment, physiological or psychological influence, aimed to cure and to improve the psychological condition of such persons and prevention of new socially dangerous acts by these persons. The author comes to a conclusion that the basic international legal acts, which touch upon the status of certain categories of persons, including the persons suffering from psychological disorders, are aimed to protect the latter persons from discrimination.


jurisprudence, compulsory measures of medical character, psychological disorder, socially dangerous act, judicial psychiatric expertise, legal status, person, discrimination, compulsory medical treatment, punishment.

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