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International relations

Gusher, A.I. The new stage in the development of the Siberia and the Far East

Abstract: As it was once stated by the great Russian compatriot Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov, the power of Russia shall grow with the Siberia. And his words are often quoted by those, discussing strategy and perspectives of development of the Siberia and the Far East. This is no accident. For several last centuries the Siberia and the Far East have been an important integral part of the Russian statehood, its strategic basis and the source of the natural subsistence resources for the development of the entire state. The break-up of the USSR in 1990s stroke a serious blow upon the current and perspective plans of development of these regions, and on the attitudes and vital values of their residents. For about 15 years these plans were put aside and temporarily forgotten, and the issues of regional development were substituted by guarantees of their survival, subsistence, territorial integrity, protection of natural resources from mass looting, fighting contraband trade and economic crime as a whole. The weakening of the geopolitical and military positions of Russia in the East has also become a source of worry. There was a feeling, that all the work of our ancestors on development of the Siberia and the Far East shall be wasted. There were grounds for such feelings, and these grounds still remain to some extent.


international law, international relations, modernization, Siberia, the Far East, the Asian-Pacific region, interests, APEC, stability, conflict.

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