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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Eliseeva, N. V. Borderline Situations in One’s Existence

Abstract: The article describes particular features of modern borderline situations in one’s existence and traces back the development of the term ‘borderline situation’ offered by Karl Jaspers. Comparing the positions of such existentialists as Nikolay Berdyaev and Lev Shestov, Miguel de Unamuno, Jean-Paule Sartre, Viktor Frankl and Erich Fromm, the author of the article concludes that the borderline situation in one’s existence is a personall challenge and the awakening of one’s emotional world through suffering, personality formation and testing of his values, character and willpower.


psychology, borderline situation, existentialism, experience, establishment, acceptance of suffering, personality, existential communication, choice based on one’s values.

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