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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Zaitseva, L.A., Molchanov, N.A. Information and analytical review of the dissertations presented in 1992 in the dissertation councils based at the Kutafin Moscow State Law University

Abstract: The authors analyze the dissertations, which were presented at the dissertation councils, as formed on the basis of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University, in order to establish their compliance with the requirements of the Provisions for the Awarding of the Scientific Degrees, they note the topicality of issues, and high scientific level of studies. All of the dissertations include the novel scientific results and provisions, which are presented by their authors for the public presentation, they have inner unity and show the input of their authors into science.


jurisprudence, dissertation, doctor of sciences, PhD, dissertation council, specialty nomenclature, statistics, research advisor, scientific consultant, department.

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