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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Toporkov, A.A., Serbin, I.S. Forensic and organizational specific features of investigations of criminal assault on commercial secret

Abstract: The article includes analysis of forensic and organizational specific features of investigation of cases of unlawfully obtaining commercial secret information. The authors study the primary stage of criminal process, initiation of criminal case, the preliminary examination and its specific features, typical investigation situations at the primary stage of investigation, and the due course of actions in such situations. The authors note the importance of instruments, which allow to improve efficiency of thinking and organization of activities of an investigator, and they note that the use of information models and typified programs allow to ease the understanding of the investigated situation, to clarify the goals of investigation and to find, recognize, systematize and evaluate the necessary information. Additionally, the analysis of the factual data, provision of versions and planning for specific investigation become much easier


jurisprudence, preliminary examination, recommendation, specific features of investigation, investigation situations, information, programs of actions, methods, information models, goals of inspection.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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