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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Pang Dongmei The problems of juvenile crime and fighting juvenile crime in the People’s Republic of China

Abstract: The current state of juvenile crime in the People’s Republic of China worries the Chinese society. The number of juvenile crimes In China is constantly growing. Their characteristic features are violence and lucrative character. In late years the juvenile crime becomes «younger», and the criminal activities of the younger children are growing. There is also a considerable growth of the group juvenile crime, and the methods of juvenile crime are developing. In order to efficiently prevent juvenile crimes, the complex of measures should be taken, and they should be based upon the provisions of forensic science, social studies, psychology, criminal law as well as criminal law policy of the state.


jurisprudence, juvenile crime, complex of prevention measures, legislative regulation, condition, share, typological variety, tendency, dynamics, causes of crime.

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