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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Przhilenskiy, V.I. Jurisprudence, philosophy and the search for the objective truth: problems of institutioonalization of one philosophic term

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of topical issues, regarding application of the philosophical knowledge in the current Russian legislation and legal practice. The author studies heuristic value and theoretical topicality of the methodology of the dialectic materialism within the context of the newest philosophical and methodological developments. The author shows the problems in the traditional definitions of the basic theoretical and cognitive definitions, which was uncovered during the linguistic turn in the philosophy. The author then evaluates whether it is reasonable to introduce into legislation ideas, definitions and concepts, which genetically relate themselves to one of philosophical traditions, which is neither the newest, nor the most authoritative one. The article provides comparative analysis of inclusion of definition of truth into the criminal procedural codes of different states and historical periods, and it also evaluates the problems of correlation of the modern philosophy and the methodology of legal cognition. The author supports the idea that the concept of truth is present In these texts as a common since term applied within the regular word usage, rather than a philosophical or scientific term.


jurisprudence, philosophy, dialectics, methodology, truth, objective, hypostasis, institutionalization, conceptualization, legislation.

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