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National Security

Kuzmin, E.A. Theoretical and empiric study of economical security in the conditions of liberalization of the trade relations: Part 2. The empiric approbation for the method of fragmented economic security

Abstract: In the article the author provides approbation of the theoretical and methodological research apparatus for the analysis of the fragmented economic security, taking as an example the foreign relations of Russia for the period since 2007 to 2011. The specific features of the interactions of enterprises and organizations are evaluated within the context of certain types of economic activities with foreign partners. The author evaluates the internal guarantees of commodity production, then he provides the results of calculations of the current and barrier replacement level of the domestic production with the import, which constitutes fragmented assessment of economic security.


economic security, free trade, mutual penetration of economies, substitution of domestic production.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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