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Trends and management

Veretenov, O.V. Wood market: investment projects and their possible risks

Abstract: The author analyzes the topical issues regarding introduction of the investment project in the wood market. The author classifies the investment projects based on their scale, he pays attention to the high degree of risk as a characteristic features for the wood market investment projects. Taking into account the importance of analysis of the investment project in the wood market from the point of view of the influence of their implementation onto the domestic and foreign market (financial, of material products and services, labor markets), as well as on environmental and social situation, one should imagine the scale classification as follows: the global investment project, the large-scale investment projects, the regional investment projects, including the city investment projects and the branch investment projects, and the local investment projects.


economics, investments, project, risk, market, wood, timber, timber harvesting, management, introduction, classification.

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