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Pedagogy and education
L.A. Gritsai (2013). P.F. Kapterev on necessity
of moral conditioning
of children in family upbringing. Pedagogy and education, 1, 79–83.
L.A. Gritsai P.F. Kapterev on necessity of moral conditioning of children in family upbringingAbstract: The article addresses the issues of ethics-oriented upbringing within family environment as defined by P.F. Kapterev’s works in late XIX and early XX century. This work breaks down the periods of moral maturation of the child and defines the parent’s role in the forming of moral values, as well as explores the chief factors of moral upbringing in family environment. The author addresses the necessity of moral conditioning in family environment as part of spiritual and moral upbringing and preparation of children for adult life that implies the absence of spoils, pampering and parental protection. The article offers extensive analysis of Kapterev’s pedagogic views, drawing conclusions on the topic of the matter and essence of moral upbringing and spiritual conditioning of children in family environment. Keywords: pedagogy, ethics, family, parenthood, values of parenthood, moral upbringing, family upbringing, periods of moral upbringing, factors of moral upbringing, becoming of the individual.
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
1. Kapterev P.F. Iz istorii nravstvennogo razvitiya detey [Tekst] // Semeynoe vospitanie: khrestomatiya / sost. P.A. Lebedev. M.: Akademiya, 2001. S. 94-107.
2. Kapterev P.F. O nravstvennom zakalivanii [Tekst] // Semeynoe vospitanie: khrestomatiya / sost. P.A. Lebedev. M.: Akademiya, 2001. S. 277-292 |