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Actual problems of Russian law

Shurukhnov Vladimir Aleksandrovich Specific features of the oppositions of the organizers and leaders of the criminal associations at the stage of their formation

Abstract: The article is devoted to the specific features of the opposition of organizers and leaders of the criminal associations in the process of their formation. The author provides classification of the criminal associations depending on the criminal status of their leaders, and the author also shows how they influence the choice of means and methods of organization, structure and formation of activities of the criminal association at the stage of its formation, as well as choice of means and methods for the opposition in the activities of the criminal associations. In order to fight the organized criminal activities and their leaders efficiently the lawenforcement bodies should have this knowledge and use this in their practice.


jurisprudence, organizer, leader, criminal associations, opposition, organization of the criminal association, types of criminal associations, means of opposition, criminal status, law-enforcement bodies.

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