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Actual problems of Russian law

Artyushenko Dmitriy Viktorovich Some procedural aspects of classification of the judicial expertise

Abstract: The article Is devoted to the problems of procedural legal regulation of the main and additional, primary and repeated, commission and complex expertise. The differences in the norms of the procedural (administrative, arbitration, civil, criminal) legislation allow one to say that the unification of the legal regulation of the institution of the judicial expertise is not finished in spite of its integrated nature. It is noted that the integrated nature of the judicial expertise should not depend on the type of process, within which it takes place. The author also evaluates the issue on the introduction into the procedural legislation of the provision on the one-person complex expertise by a person, possessing the necessary specialized knowledge. The author offers the specific formulae, which need to be introduced into the procedural laws, and the Art. 201 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation in particular.


jurisprudence, classification, judicial expertise, main expertise, additional expertise, primary expertise, repeated expertise, commission expertise, complex expertise, complex study.

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