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Actual problems of Russian law

Vorobiev Sergey Mikhailovich Alternative methods of compensation of moral damage to the victim

Abstract: The object of this article is the social relations in the sphere of normative legal regulation of the alternative methods of compensation of moral damages to the victims. The goal of the article is to characterize the provisions of the Russian legislation regarding the compensation for the moral damage. The methodological basis for the scientific article Includes such principles of scientific cognition, as the historicism, objectivity, systemic character, complex character. The results of the article Includes the proposals for the amendments to the current Russian civil legislation. The article Includes analysis of the correlation between various forms of compensation for the moral damage to the victim. The conclusions of this article may be used In scientific and educational sphere regarding human rights issues.


jurisprudence, moral damages, state, victims, right, refutation, peaceful settlement, apologies, compensation, Intangible benefits.

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