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International Law and International Organizations

Fatmir Tartale, Gerti Tartale Historical development of the îrganization of the criminal justice system in Albania and its European integration.

Abstract: As the authors point out, the study and analysis of the legal system in Albania in its entirety and in particular the criminal one is important in the fight against crime in general and against organized crime in particular, to protect the people and guarantee them the right to a better and more peaceful life. It is beneficial in terms of doctrine but also practice, being the backbone of democracy and the rule of law. In the context of its historical development, during these hundred years in Albania there have been judicial institutions that responded to different developments, according to state formations, from antiquity up to the fourth century in Illyria, to the present, when foreign and Albanian legislations have been implemented. The article concerns organization of system of criminal justice in Albania since 1912 to the current time, as well as the changes towards the European integration and the judicial reforms.


jurisprudence, law, Albania, criminal law, crime, court, rule of law, integration.

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1. European Convention of Human Rights, Tirana, 2011, page.10
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