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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Serov D.O. Forgotten versions of the Articles of War and «Brief Description of Processes and Judicial Proceedings» (from the history of codification of military legislation of Russia in XVIII century)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the little-known page of history of codification o Russian military legislation. The author provides systematic description of the conditions under which the largest acts in military procedural and criminal legislation of Russia in XVIII — early XIX century («Articles of War» and «Brief Description of Processes and Judicial Proceedings») were formed. Based on the use of the authentic publications and archive sources, which were not previously introduced to the scientific turnover, the author shows that the first version of «the Brief Description of Processes» was issued in 1712, and the first version of «the Articles of War» was issued in 1714. The author states that both legislative drafts were written by a lawyer and ober-auditor E. Krompein. In this article the author provides for the first time the analysis of differences between the draft of «the Brief Description of Processes» and its versions of 1712 and 1715, as well as the differences between the versions of «the Articles of War» of 1714, 1715 and 1719. The author also casts light upon the history of publication of these acts in the first quarter of the XVIII century, and he characterizes the role of Tsar Peter the 1st in their drafting. The article includes a complete list of normative sources, which were used in development of the draft for «the Brief Description of Processes» and «the Articles of War». Finally the author established that when the «Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire since 1649» was published an unofficial publication of the above-mention acts of 1748 was mistakenly used.


jurisprudence, the Articles of War, codification, military criminal legislation, military procedural legislation, the Brief Description of Processes, legislative process, Tsar Peter the 1st, military courts, E. Krompein.

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