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Taxes and Taxation

Ivanov, O. S. Comparative Analysis of Tax Policy in BRICS Countries of Special Economic Zone

Abstract: Global financial crisis of 2008 aggravated the main problem of the Russian Federation, i.e. excessive dependence of Russia on oil and gas price on the global markets which poses risks to Russian economic security. At the present time, the most topical issue is the development of the integral tax policy in the sphere of foreign economic activity which would intensify the development of competitive trades in Special Economic Zone for the purpose of further diversification of Russian export, attraction of foreign investment and increase of the share of reinvested revenues received by foreign investors into Special Economic Zone. The purpose of the research is to study the system of taxation of Special Economic Zone in BRICS countries, to define the reasons of inefficiency of SEZ in Russia based on foreign experience, to develop measures increasing the share of reinvested revenues into SEZ and efficiency of scientific and technological cooperation. The object of the research is the present system of taxation in SEZ of BRICS countries. The subject of the research is the rebates and preferences provided by SEZ constituents in BRICS countries. The results of the study are as follows: The author summarized the experience of formation of SEZ in BRICS countries. Based on that experience, the author defines the main reasons of inefficiency of tax and customs preferences of SEZ in Russia as well as rebates which would encourage the development of productive, scientific and technological cooperation and increase the share of reinvested revenues of SEZ residents.


taxes and taxation, Special Economic Zone (SEZ), BRICS, Free Economic Zone (FEZ), taxation, World Trade Organization (WTO), rebates, preferences, efficiency, residents.

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