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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Bruevich, A.A. Correlation of categories “system” and “systematicity” in theory of law: philosophical and methodological bases

Abstract: In order to study the financial system of Russia and the system of financial law one needs to use systemic approach, since one needs not only to study certain objects and events, but also to establish their relations with other facts. In this article the author uses systemic approach and comes to a conclusion that in financial law in order to make a decision one needs to consider all of the existing relations and their influence on the system as a whole and not just some of its parts. In other works, when dealing with this or that issue, one has to evaluate how this decision may influence the system of financial law as a whole. In this article the author tries to evaluate from the theoretical standpoint a number of complex multi-aspect reflections of systematicity of financial law, and at the same time to introduce some interesting practical material, which allows to note its practical value for the improvement of financial legislation as a whole.


jurisprudence, system, financial law, approach, method, legislation, financial system, systematicity, systemic analysis, system of law.

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