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Actual problems of Russian law

Laptev, V.A. Corporative organization of entrepreneurial activity replacing the co-operative organizations

Abstract: The study of the nature of co-operation in Russia shows, that it served as the basis for the co-operative organization of entrepreneurial activities at the current stage. In this article the author studied the historical way of development of the collective form of organization of the economic (entrepreneurial) activity and stressed its co-operative character. Basically, the co-operatives united material and labor resources, while the commercial corporations united persons and capitals (assets). The statistics shows that the entrepreneurs usually choose commercial corporations in the form of limited liability companies and joint-stock companies. The conclusion on the economic efficiency of corporative form of organization of entrepreneurship is due not only to the possibility to unite economic resource fast and freely, but also to the ability to guarantee proper business management via the managing body (economic management bodies) of the corporation.


jurisprudence, co-operative, corporation, corporate relations, corporate organization, co-operatives, economic subject, economic society, entrepreneurship.

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