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National Security

Akopdzhanova, M.O. The disposition of Art. 164 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on responsibility for the crimes against cultural security.

Abstract: The Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 enshrines the right of every citizen to participate in cultural life, to use the cultural institution and to have access to cultural values (Art. 44). This obligation is supported by the state by establishing responsibility for its violation. In particular, the failure to perform the obligations under p. 3 of Art. 44 of the Constitution may lead to negative legal circumstances in accordance to the legal mechanisms in various spheres of Russian law, including criminal law. Since the Russian legislation provides for the responsibility for the violations of cultural rights and freedoms, which are most dangerous for individuals, society and state, this study is devoted to the issues of uncovering the crimes in this sphere, and to the development of the existing legislative base in order to improve the quality of law-enforcement practice in this sphere.


jurisprudence, culture, values, protection, security, law, responsibility, elements, practice, improvement.

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