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National Security

Bunchuk, V.L. Formation and evolution of the federal model in the modern Russia.

Abstract: After the break-up of the Soviet Union there are tendencies for strengthening of the national – territorial formation, domination of the axifugal forces over the axipetal ones, which in turn leads to weakening of the federal center. The general dynamics of the relations between the center and the regions in the modern Russia are to a great extent determined by the specific features of these relations in the former Soviet Union. The federal form of territorial and state form was present in the USSR, however, in practice with its strict centralization of the state system, the federal relations were purely formal. The regional policy of the Soviet period was determined by a number of factors, such as the presence of national – territorial autonomies, complicated administrative and territorial division, strict hierarchy between the central and regional governments. Considering the cyclical nature of the federal relations and the current change of processes of centralization and decentralization, the evolution of the current model of Russian federalism may be divided into several stages, in which one could see the dynamics of centralization and decentralization of power.


federalism, politics, model, federal relations, regions, federal center, evolution, security, asymmetric federation, federal structure, sovereignty, administrative and territorial division.

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