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International relations

Vinogradova, E.A. The “turn left” in the Latin America: evaluations by the European mass media

Abstract: The European mass media are the key sources of formation of the social opinion on the ALBA states. Currently the mass media have became one of the strongest means for the political mobilization. In this article the author attempts to provide systematic analysis of the leading mass media in the EU in order to show the perspectives and difficulties of the foreign political relations between the ALBA and the EU. When working with mass media sources, one should keep in mind, that they always act within the frameworks of limitations and pressures from their owners, editors and economic interests. Additionally, while evaluating the discussion of international news by the European mass media (and more specifically, the news regarding the ALBA states), one should keep in mind, that currently most European mass media, such as the British The Guardian, Italian Liberazione, La Repubblica, French l’Humanité, Le Monde diplomatique, Libération, Spanish El País, are Leftist and Liberal in their views.


political science, Latin America, “turn left”, mass media, politics, Bolivarian initiative, conflicts, international relations, national interests, values.

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