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International relations

Bunevich, D.S. Policy of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Russia A.V. Kozyrev and E.M. Primakov on Poland: comparative analysis

Abstract: The article is devoted to the process of formation and development of the Russian-Polish relations in 1990s. Based on the comparative analysis the author comes to a conclusion that there was certain continuity between the foreign policies of the Ministers A.V. Kozyrev and E.M. Primakov towards the Eastern Europe. The author comes to a conclusion that after 1993 A.V. Kozyrev abandoned the idealistic approach and made the foreign policy of Russia more pragmatic. This political line was continued and strengthened by E.M. Primakov.


political science, Poland, Russia, Primakov, Kozyrev, NATO, OSCE, politics, international relations, conflicts.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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