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History magazine - researches
Petrov Yu.I. (2013). Taxation reform during the reign of Alexander II. History magazine - researches, 1, 108–115.
Petrov Yu.I. Taxation reform during the reign of Alexander IIAbstract: the article is based on the monographic researches and covers the topic of tax reform in Russia during the reign of Alexander II. The author gives characteristics of the personality of the Finance Minister Reitern M. Kh. and evaluates his activities in the tax sphere. The author considers the changes in the system of indirect taxation, in the areas of production and sale of alcoholic beverages in particular. The article analyzes the changes in direct taxation in the trade and crafts and their results. Special attention is given to the taxation of peasants, including redemption payments (as a consequence of liberation from bondage and the additional tax burden for them). The author shows the examples of township chiefs’ excessive use of their official position, and how they often appropriate taxes to themselves while widely using the arsenal of measures proved to them by the law to compel peasants to timely payment of fees. Keywords: history, reform, taxation, Alexander II, Reutern M.Kh., tax, lease, taxes, payments, estreats.
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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