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Administrative and municipal law

Pashin, V. M., Kobozev, A. A. Problems of Personnel Doctrine in the System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Abstract: As the result of the survey shows, in the first place citizens demand a professional approach to protection of their life, health and property. The previous model of relations based on control and priority of state enforcement ran out of the stream. In addition, by the end of the first decade of 2000 it is becoming increasingly common for police officers to violate the law and official discipline which provoked negative reaction of a society and deprecate the government reputation. The other obvious reason is that the current police structure, active arrangement, personnel, financial, material and technical provision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs bodies do not fulfill the modern requirements and thus need to be improved.


personnel, policy, reserve, rotation, service, police, police officer, control, Ministry of Internal Affairs, administration, system, task, doctrine.

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