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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

A.V. Kresin The Conceptualization of Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Comparative Jurisprudence in the Works of Jean Louis Eugène Lerminier

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the biography and most valuable works of Eugène Lerminier (1803- 1857) — the chair of general and philosophic history of comparative legislations in the College de France (1831- 1849) — the first chair of the comparative jurisprudence character in the world. The author reconstructs the development of philosophical and historical approaches to the comprehension of law in the works of Eugène Lerminier and the formation of his comparative methodological approach, the methodic of comparative-legal investigation, the grounds of comparative legal history and elements of the philosophy of comparative jurisprudence, new conceptual vision of national law and interaction between legal systems. The author comes to the conclusion that Eugène Lerminier formulated comparative-legal approach around 1836 in the context of teaching the history of comparative legislations and the new system of legal sciences construction, proves that this approach is the original set of ideas and concepts, created on the ground of critical reassessment of historical school ideas as well as German and French legal philosophy trends of the early XIX century.


comparative jurisprudence, comparative law, comparative legislation, comparative legal history, comparative approach, legal philosophy, institutionalization of comparative jurisprudence.

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