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National Security

Belousova, A.V., Potanin M.M., Kolesnikova A.Y. Export sector of the economics in the Far East of Russia: innovation development vector.

Abstract: The authors establish the contents of the export sector of the economics in the Far East of Russia, they also analyze the structure and dynamics of its development in 2000-2010. It is stated that the key spheres of production in the export sector of the macro-region are oil and mineral products mining, timber harvesting, fishing. The share of their products in the Far Eastern export is above 80 per cent. As part of the analysis of the complexes in the above-mentioned spheres, the authors show the tendency of sustainment of considerable share of raw materials production within the export structure of the region in the long-term perspective. The authors analyze the endogenous limitations and exogenous challenges for the growth and development of the resource-dependent economy, and for the economic security of the Far Eastern macro-region. The authors then establish the key directions for the changes and development of the export sector of the Far East, which would bring it to the way of innovative development, such as the greater share of processing enterprises, development of production of new goods for export, technological modernization, formation of the supporting institutional regimes. Taking the mineral raw material export sector of the Far East as an example, the authors show the prerequisites for the implementation of changes.


export sector of economics, raw materials export, resource-dependent economics, innovative development, innovation potential, economic security, economic growth, the Far East.

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