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Pedagogy and education

Bueva, L. P. The Most Eccentric Creature on Earth

Abstract: Thoughts on human have always been the key topic in philosophy. Even since the human started to think about the structure of the world around, he began to understand himself, too. Who am I and who are we? Where do we come from? What do we strive for and where are we going in this never-ending path of history? What makes us different from all other creatures on Earth and what makes us similar to them? Does the human change his biological form while growing intellectually and morally? How does our spirit develop – towards understanding of the world and our role there or towards self-destruction? Can we actually change the world around or, on the opposite, are we the slaves of circumstances?


pedagogy, human, philosophical anthropology, philosophy, being, wholeness, multidimensionality of human image, reflection, specifically human, reason.

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