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Pedagogy and education
Savina, O. N., Pianova, M. V. (2012). Crownsourcing as a New Form of Increasing Efficiency of Modern Educational
Process. Pedagogy and education, 4, 64–70.
Savina, O. N., Pianova, M. V. Crownsourcing as a New Form of Increasing Efficiency of Modern Educational ProcessAbstract: Conception of Russian Education Modernization 2020 and new projects of the federal state educational standard of the second generation fixed the tendency to transform the contents of the Russian education into the level of key educational competences. It means that the knowledge approach is replaced by the competent approach and a student’s ability to organize his work comes to the first place instead of how much he knows. Useful bonds and relations constitute a huge potential in the modern world and it makes it possible to use crowdsourcing, i.e. solve the problem in the best way by using the collective mind. In this connection, Scientific Fairs and Internet-discussions become very popular nowadays. These are a new form of working with students that promotes cooperation of young minds, specialists, practical experts and provides an opportunity for information exchange and for the problem solution based on the analysis of a great number of opinions. Such activities are very important because besides traditional education, modern human, businessman and innovator also need to develop his professional communication. Keywords: pedagogy, crowdsourcing, modernization of education, non-traditional forms, scientific ideas, Scientific Fair, internet-discussion, competent approach, new format, independent work.
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