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Taxes and Taxation

Karandaev, I. Yu. Taxation of Budgetary Organizations in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The author of the article views peculiarities of paying different kinds of taxes by budgetary organizations in terms of ongoing state and municipal organization reforms in the Russian Federation. The author gives a comparative analysis and summary about tax benefits provided for regional and local taxes. Based on the results the author concludes that federal budgetary organizations are deprived of tax benefits both at the Russian Federation level and the level of municipal units. Moreover, the author underlines that the Russian Federation tax legislation gradually creates equal legal conditions for all legal entities providing socially important services to the population disregarding organizational and legal form of such entities. This is doe in order to support competition in this sphere and raise the quality of services rendered to the population. Taking into account that budgetary organizations are considered as non-profit ones, they are granted considerable tax benefits for federal taxes, in particular for profit tax.


taxes and taxation, budgetary organizations, tax liability, VAT, profit tax, corporate property tax, transport tax, tax benefits, revenue account.

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