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International Law and International Organizations

Nikiforov, A.A. International legal protection of environment in the Northern European states.

Abstract: This article is devoted to the international legal protection of environment in the Northern European States: Sweden, Norway and Finland. The author gives special attention to the basic international convention in this sphere, that is – the Convention on the Environmental Protection in the Northern States of 1974. The author also studies the role of supranational structures and instruments in the protection of environment in the Scandinavian states. He also pays attention to the instruments for the international legal protection of environment, which apply not only to the Scandinavian states, but to the third party states, and to the issues of influence of the European law on the international legal protection of environment in the Northern European states.


international law, European law, environment, Scandinavian states, national law, supranational structures, convention law, environmental law, international treaties, secondary law.

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