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Culture and Art

Vanslov, V. V. Technological Progress and Culture

Abstract: At the epoch of technological revolution the contradiction between technological progress and spiritual culture is growing and gaining more significance. Life is becoming more comfortable and new opportunities for art technologies and the material basis for arts are being created. At the same time, negative consequences of technological progress shake the environmental balance and create social phenomena causing depreciation and degradation of human personality. It is a mistake to think that technological progress offers unlimited opportunities and will last forever. The future will eventually bring the collapse and technological catastrophe which, in their turn, will change the orientation of historical development. During this new, non-technological epoch, the technological progress will lose its priority and will be oriented to achieve the purposes of spiritual culture.


cultural research, industrial civili zation, technological (information) revolution, personality, spiritual culture, education in arts, mass media, manipulation of consciousness, technological catastrophe, future history.

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